Welcome to H3ART POOL
We’ll Ensure You Always Get The Best Performance!
In H3ART POOL, we strive to ensure you will have the best performance when you stake in our pool. Our ticker pool, H3ART consists of 3 hearts.
It is a family of hearts of a father, mother and a kid.

One in 100 children is born with heart disease
Only 1 in 10 patients has access to treatment and care. Our mission is to support the treatment of congenital and structural heart disease.10% of our pool profits will go into the treatment of congenital and structural heart disease
in the form of :
1. Funds for patients: cost of surgery or catheter interventions
2. Funds for doctors: education, proctorship
3. Funds for the team (nurses, cardiac technicians,perfusionists): education
4. Funds for devices: PDA, ASD devices, pacemakers, etc

Our Mission
Our mission is to support the treatment of congenital and structural heart disease.
Our Pool
2 relays to ensure optimal communication between our block producing node and the rest of the Cardano network and exceed the minimum specifications
Our Goal
Create a sustainable decentralized, high performance Cardano stake with consistent earning to support our mission
Our Vision
All patients with congenital and structural heart disease will have equitable access to treatment and care
Our Expertise
The marriage between congenital heart and structural treatment with an open-source, decentralized, with consensus achieved using proof of stake cardano pool

Cardiac Interventions
Treatment of congenital and structural heart disease can be performed via catheter interventions or surgeries

Cardiac Imaging
Most complex heart structures can be imaged using echocardiography, diagnostic angiography, cardiac CT and cardiac MRI

Stake Pool Expertise
Reliable, high performance and frequent monitoring even we are a small pool operator
H3ART POOL Core Team
Our core team has specialized skill sets to achieve our mission, vision and goal


Chief Technical Officer

Chief Quality Officer

Marketing Director